We invite you to the UNIT Factory opening
7 November, 2016
November 15, 2016
at 3.00 p.m
Kyiv, Sim’i Khokhlovykh St, 8.
Dear mass media representatives!
We are pleased to invite you to the UNIT Factory opening event, a central element of the future innovation park in Kyiv.
IT Factory UNIT Factory – unique for Ukraine school is opening on November 15. The selection of students has caused a real excitement – was processed more than 13,000 applications.
The event will feature:
- Nikolas Sadirac, ideologist and CEO of the French École 42, the author of a new concept of learning.
- Vasyl Khmelnytskyi, Ukrainian businessman, founder of K.Fund — UNIT Factory project starter.
- Senior executives of the leading technology companies, operating in Ukraine.
- Mass media representatives.
Participants will talk about revolutionary significance of UNIT Factory for the education system in Ukraine and the IT industry as a whole, because it is planned that school will be a key element of the future innovation park in Kiev.
We would appreciate if you let us know whether you can attend the event by writing to [email protected] or calling +38 093 924 14 92. Contact person: Alesia Stokovska, O2PR. Media accreditation is necessary.
UNIT Factory is a private education institution, which is the only one in Ukraine that operates according to the unique education system of the French École 42. There are no teachers, lecture notes, lectures or courses at UNIT Factory. It is impossible to enter it by cronyism. The academic criteria (diplomas, marks, etc.) do not matter. Everything depends on the students’ work and commitment. The IT Factory operates 24/7. Studying is provided free of charge if the graduates work in Ukraine over the next three years.