K.Fund has presented a bestseller about bringing up innovators at TEDxKyiv2015
14 December, 2015
The book by a world-renowned education expert Tony Wagner tells how to create people, who are willing and able to change the world around them.
Kyiv, December 14, 2015 — Vasyl Khmelnytsky’s fund K.Fund has presented the Ukrainian version of the international bestseller by Tony Wagner “Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World”. The author examines the influence of parents, teachers, employers, as well as social and professional environment on the development of young innovators.
TEDxKyiv2015 I’m Pulse platform was chosen for the presentation of the book. It is a unique conference bringing together leaders of innovation who are able to generate ideas worth spreading. TED conferences take place in different countries and are known for inspirational speeches from prominent speakers. This year K.Fund became the general partner of the conference in Kyiv.
“K.Fund shares the TED mission: to be in trend of the most progressive ideas and spread them among communities all over the world. We can meet innovators at various conferences. In his book, Tony Wagner explains in a simple way, how and who forms their basic principles and skills, which turn into innovative ideas later. That is why we have chosen TEDxKyiv2015, a meeting place for people proving that ideas can have transformative power, for the presentation of our new book,” said Vasyl Khmelnytsky, businessman and the founder of K.Fund.
Tony Wagner’s bestseller has been translated into more than ten languages. This year, the book has been published in Ukrainian for the first time. There is no Russian version of the book yet.
The choice of the book is determined by its uniqueness and relevance for our country. The author has analyzed stories of many of today’s innovators (for example, Kirk Phelps, one of the creators of Apple’s first iPhone) to determine the factors that have influenced them. Readers have the opportunity to not only see the research results, but also watch video interviews with real characters of the book on kfund.ua.
Tony Wagner is a famous education professional, expert in residence at the Harvard Innovation Lab, researcher of the Innovative Education Program Center at Harvard University, as well as the founder and co-director of the Change Leadership Group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
“Whether you are a parent, teacher (preschool through college), mentor, employer, or policy maker, I think you will find that the print and video profiles of these young innovators, as well as the ecosystems that have helped them to develop their capacities, have a great deal to teach us all. I know that I was – and continue to be – inspired by the people whom I interviewed for this project. So I invite you to read, watch, listen, learn – and then to reflect, share, and discuss with your friends and colleagues. For if we are to create a strong economic future and a sustainable way of life for our children and grandchildren, we all have much that we can and must do together,” said Tony Wagner in his summary to the publication.
Vasyl Khmelnytsky’s fund K.Fund is implementing a model of continuous education in Ukraine. It presupposes a particular role of books. In the context of the Khmelnytsky’s Library project, K.Fund is going to regularly acquaint Ukrainian audience with the world’s best publications in education, economics and entrepreneurship. The list of shops, where you can buy the books published by K.Fund, is available at this link.
We are proud to recall that K.Fund has presented the Ukrainian edition of the world’s bestseller by Navi Radjou and Jaideep Prabhu “Frugal Innovation: How to do more with less” at Kyiv International Economic Forum on October 8, 2015.