“Osvitoria” provides access to distance education for students throughout Ukraine
3 April, 2020
A partner of UFuture and the K.Fund, the “Osvitoria” non-profit organization, based on the Novopecherska school, is launching the “All-Ukrainian School Online” program initiated by the President of Ukraine. The large-scale project will start on April 6 and will provide school students from grades 5 to 11 during quarantine with access to distance education.
Work on video lessons is the result of cooperation between the NGO Osvitoria and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation. The locations for the filming became the spaces of “Osvitoria” and the territory of the educational institution “Novopecherska school”, where online classes are now quickly removed and mounted.
“I am proud of Ukrainian teachers, dozens of whom responded to the proposal within one hour, work 18 hours a day and can record 125 absolutely amazing lessons in 4 days. I am proud of the synergy created by the government team and media partners, as well as that “Osvitoria” and “Novopecherska school” became part of this incredible special operation,”
Zoya Lytvyn, curator of the Novopecherska school and the founder of the NGO Osvitoria, said.
As part of the program, 40 of the best teachers in Ukraine will teach school subjects in Ukrainian broadcasts. Video lessons will be available daily at 10 a.m. from Monday to Friday on the respective TV channels, namely:
- 5th grade on PlusPlus and 112 Ukraine;
- 6th grade on ZOOM and NewsOne;
- 7th grade on ZIK;
- 8th grade on Indigo and UNIAN TV;
- 9th grade on Rada and UA: Culture;
- 10th grade on UA: Pershiy;
- 11th grade on M1.
“Osvitoria” became a partner in the project and helped with the search for teachers. As soon as we sent the request, in 20 seconds letters from teachers started pouring in with the desire to join this initiative,”
Anna Sidoruk, operational director of the “Osvitoria”, said.
Today, teachers in such disciplines as the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, the history of Ukraine, world history, English, physics, algebra, geometry, geography, chemistry and biology have joined the program.
Soon, lessons will be available on Facebook and YouTube.
Starting March 17, schoolchildren can prepare for UPE on the Rada TV channel and the MOH YouTube channel, taking the iLearn online courses developed by “Osvitoria”.