Debunking Leadership Myths
2 June, 2021
A real leader must be strong, confident, public. We used to think that way. However, the reality is somewhat different.
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular myths about leadership.
The leaders must toe their line. If they change their mind or the vector of development, this is a manifestation of weakness. Nobody will respect such a manager.
Sounds weighty, but it’s not true. Research shows that leaders who allow themselves to be imperfect and are not shy about showing it to others have more employee sympathy. In addition, such teams have a high level of creativity, because no one is afraid to make mistakes.
Leaders must fight their own shortcomings. If they accept themself as they are, it means that they are not self-critical and focused on development.
There is some truth about it, but dealing with your shortcomings is always a losing strategy. Successful leaders focus more on developing their strengths and forgetting about their weaknesses. But if a person uses their advantages in their work, their involvement reaches more than 70%.
Leaders must be public in order to rally teams around them. If they are used to working alone, they will not be able to lead people.
This is also not true. According to various estimates, more than 40% of the world’s leaders are introverts. They do not “highlight” their persona and do not often appear in public, but their business does not suffer from this and the teams do not go to competitors.