Tony Wagner
Tony Wagner is an education professional, expert in residence at the Harvard Innovation Lab, researcher of the Innovative Education Program Center at Harvard University, examines the influence of parents, teachers, employers, the social and professional environment on the development of young innovators.
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The author has analyzed stories of many of today’s innovators (for example, Kirk Phelps, one of the creators of Apple’s first iPhone). Exploring the development of innovators since their childhood, Tony Wagner took a lot of video interviews with real characters of the book who were brought up, surrounded and inspired by the talents.
Based on these facts and real cases, the author reveals the secrets of education of young and innovation people and he creates a «road map» for parents and teachers.
Tony Wagner «Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World».
An education professional, Tony Wagner, the author of «Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World», speaking about creating conditions for innovation development.
«Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World», Tony Wagner
«A road map for parents who want to sculpt their children into innovative thinkers» – USA Today
«Tony Wagner’s case studies reveal more about these fine innovators than he may have realized. World leaders, business executives, educators, policy makers and parents, take note!» – Dr. Annmarie Neal Founder, Center for Leadership Innovation and Former Chief Talent Officer, Cisco Systems
«Tony Wagner makes a compelling case for how our education system has to change if we are to create the innovators we need to face tomorrow’s challenges» – Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO
«This book, in a clear, tangible way, explores how to help young people access skills of innovation and lead richer lives» – Brad Anderson, former CEO, Best Buy Corporation
«If we could use some of Wagner’s ideas in education and educational culture today, we will see results in the near future»– Irena Corbabicz-Putko, principal of Novopecherska School
Additional Information
2015, К.FUND, Kyiv, format: 70х100/16, 222 p.
Tony Wagner Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
USBN 978-1-4516-1149-6 (eng.) ISBN 978-966-136-284-9 (ukr.)
© Scribner, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2012
© К.FUND, Ukrainian edition, 2015