Began the selection of participants unique project European Design Upgrade, EU-funded
2 June, 2020
35 Ukrainians will present their developments at the Dutch Design Week.
As part of the European Design Upgrade (EDU) project, aimed at developing creative industries and supporting talented designers, artists and technologists, the selection of participants has begun and will last until June 14, 2020 inclusive. 35 Ukrainians will be selected for the international program, from which cross-functional teams will be formed to create unique concepts.
The aim of the project is to find innovative urban solutions to create a modern and harmonious socio-cultural environment in Ukraine. The project is implemented under the Creative Europe program, funded by the European Commission, and implemented by the Vasyl Khmelnytsky foundation K.Fund, a non-governmental organization GoLocal and partner companies — Brussels Creative from Belgium and Urban Mill from Finland.
The first educational phase of the program will last from June 15 to July 31 and will include 24 lectures from Ukrainian, Finnish and Belgian experts in the format of webinars and workshops. The course consists of the following thematic blocks:
- a concept and philosophy of design, national authenticity of creativity;
- creative entrepreneurship and its features, sustainable production and consumption, the creation of circular models in design industries;
- ecosystem innovations and urban trends, improving design and technology to create cities of the future;
- social humanism, orientation to the inner world of human, as the basis and highest goal of creativity.
At the exhibition in Eindhoven, which will run from 17 to 25 October this year, the three best developments from each country will be presented to experts.
You can apply for participation in the program and find out the details by following the link on the website.